This winter we could see a ‘twindemic’ of Covid variants and flu in full circulation.
The economic losses of a ‘normal’ US flu season cost $11.2 billion, and the cumulative economic cost of the Covid-19 pandemic is estimated to be $15 Trillion globally in 2022.
Airborne viruses have a hugely negative impact on all businesses, illness and absenteeism rise, and output and productivity lower.
Millions of workers are debilitated by Long Covid, (vaccines alone will not reverse this trend), and the cost to them and the businesses they work in is immense.
Protecting your workforce and your business does not have to cost the earth.
Investing in air quality is money well spent, with benefits that go far beyond easing health and operational challenges.
Pure Air Today saves you hassle, time, and money. We scour the globe for the best scientifically proven clean-air tech and broker great deals for our clients.
If you would like us to help you turn a strategic business risk into a competitive advantage, please get in touch, so that we can all breathe a little easier.
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